
Restaurant Superpower: How to Make the Most of Social Media Platforms

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why a restaurant needs social media.
  • Understanding your guests: Why do they choose your restaurant?
  • Identifying your target audience.
  • Uncovering your restaurant’s value: Why guests will choose your restaurant.
  • 12 creative ideas to stand out from competitors.
  • Crafting an attention-grabbing bio.
  • Analyzing your competition.
  • Principles of engaging content.
  • Crafting hooks that grab customer attention.
  • Writing compelling texts that attract guests to your restaurant.
  • Content ideas for social media posts.
  • Strategies for promoting your restaurant on social networks.
  • Creating a comprehensive content plan.

About the author of the course

Mila Holosha:

For the past 10 years, she has been unleashing the full potential of restaurants and crafting sustainable marketing systems that consistently attract guests, turn them into regulars, and foster the lasting growth and development of establishments.

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